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We want to hear from you!

Pastor Roger Frick

You're invited to join us THIS Saturday, January 12th for a Visioning Meeting from 9am to 2pm at Salem.

The 2016 Salem Cottage Meetings were so successful in guiding our steps in selecting a new Pastor that we want to repeat that spirit-guided process in charting the course of Salem's future.

Several of our staff members have spent time analyzing previous congregational meeting notes, including Strategic Planning notes from 2009 and 2012, as well as 2016 Cottage Meeting notes and determined some overarching themes. However, each and every member of the Salem Family has a sense of God’s vision for Salem’s future ministry priorities, and we need to hear from you.

Lunch will be provided at the meeting (suggested donation $5/person), and childcare will also be provided.

Please take a minute to RSVP HERE for the meeting so that we can plan for food appropriately.

Join us, and let God's voice be heard through you!

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