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Kelly Hansen
4th Grade Teacher

My family

Mission trip to Malawi, Africa
Number of years at Salem: 11
Number of years in Education: 16
What I love most about Salem:
We are a family!
My favorite movie quote:
”You’re killing me, Smalls!”
One of my favorite verses in scripture is:
Luke 1:37
For with God, nothing shall be impossible!
I know that I can accomplish all my goals with God’s help and I love to teach that to others as well.
Some of my favorite hobbies include:
Sports, time with family, shopping for deals
My favorite school memory as a student is:
First day at a new Kindergarten after moving to a new state. We moved to California from Colorado when I was in the middle of my kindergarten year. I will never forget how welcomed I felt by Mrs. Wetjen in my new school at Christ Lutheran, La Mesa!
(714) 639-1946 ext. 223
Husband, Chris
Sons, Jake & Nick
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