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15 “If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over.16 But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ 17 If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector. 


18 “Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.


Matthew 18:15-18





1. Adult expresses, non-formally, concern to staff member(s).

2. Adult expresses, non-formally (concern) or formally (complaint) to staff member’s direct

supervisor (see Direct Supervisor Matrix)

3. Completed complaint form formally submitted to the Senior Pastor.

4. Completed complaint form formally submitted to the Ministry Leadership Council (MLC).



The purpose of this policy is to serve the Salem community by; (1) providing a procedure by which adults may seek resolution to concerns or complaints directly related to themselves or their child, (2) creating a clear process for Salem employees to follow in an effort to assist in the resolution of concerns or complaints.

Part 1: Concern/Complaint Process with Staff Member



“Concerns” are non-formal discussions between an adult and the staff member directly related to the conflict that can be handled by the staff member to the mutual satisfaction of both parties.

“Complaints” are formally directed in writing to the staff member’s direct supervisor or the MLC when a concern has not been satisfactorily resolved at the direct supervisor level. The direct supervisor must schedule a meeting with the complainant within 10 business days of receipt of the formal complaint.


Note: Sexual Harassment is not covered in this policy. Please refer to Salem’s Sexual Harassment Policy as
outlined in the Parent/Student Handbook as well as Salem’s Employee Policy Manual.


Resolution Stages:

Stage One: Adult expresses, non-formally, concern to staff member(s).

Stage Two: Adult expresses, non-formally (concern) or formally (complaint) to staff member’s direct supervisor (see Direct Supervisor Matrix)


Stage Three: Completed complaint form formally submitted to the Senior Pastor.


Stage Four: Completed complaint form formally submitted to the Ministry Leadership Council (MLC).


Direct Supervisor Matrix:
‣ All school staff report to the Principal
‣ All church staff report to the Senior Pastor
‣ Senior Pastor, Principal, and Exec. Director of Finance report to the Ministry Leadership Council


Addressing and Investigating Concerns/Complaints:

Encourage resolution of concerns by informal means whenever possible with all parties involved making
themselves easily accessible, impartial, and non-adversarial.


Establish history and facts of concern/complaint between all parties involved and meet personally to:


a) Clarify the nature of the concern/complaint and resolution sought.

b) Clarify the adult’s desire(s) for complete resolution and/or satisfaction.

c) Documentation begins at the complaint level and will be handled by the direct supervisor, senior pastor, or MLC receiving the complaint.


Foster swift and thorough handling of concerns and complaints. Highest level direct supervisor involved and/or MLC will inform all appropriate parties of progress.


Due process: Complaints will be responded to within 10 working days by the party receiving the complaint. Individuals who seek to advance a complaint must do so within 10 working days after receiving, in writing, proposed resolution from the direct supervisor.


All parties involved will respect and maintain confidentiality at all times.


Staff member and or direct supervisor will recommend and facilitate corrective action, when applicable, and inform the direct supervisor or MLC, as applicable, of corrective action.


Staff member, direct supervisor or MLC (whomever is highest authority involved) will track all complaints to resolution and ensure accountability.


Concern becomes a complaint when meeting(s) between complainant and direct supervisor(s) do not bring about resolution. Adult may advance the issue to the next direct supervisor level or MLC for resolution. If matter is escalated to a complaint, the complaint must be made in writing and addressed to the immediate supervisor or President of the MLC, whichever is applicable. The MLC’s decisions are final.

Direct Supervisor Matrix

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