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Meet our new DCE Intern, Katie Baumann

Kaley Haymond

Please welcome our new Director of Christian Education Intern, Katie Baumann! She'll be joining our ministry at Salem Lutheran Church in just a few short weeks. Katie loves giraffes, strawberry fro-yo, and GOD! "I'm a firm believer that a joyful heart really is the best medicine (Proverbs 17:22). Joy is not an emotion - it's a choice. And, it's a choice you can only make if you know the One from Whom our joy comes. God is the giver of every good thing, and this life? It's a good thing. The people around us? They are God's good creation (whether they know it or not), and if they have God's love, they should have mine too." Meet Katie THIS FRIDAY, September 7th at the High School Back to School Pool Party or THIS SUNDAY, September 9th at our Opening School Service at 10:30am!!!

To learn more about Katie and her ministry, visit her website:

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