Salem Outdoor Worship In-Person Live Launch FAQs
Due to the constantly-changing nature of our current circumstances,
these details may change at any time due to factors beyond our control.
When will Salem have on-campus worship services?
We will begin holding indoor Traditional worship services on Sunday, April 18th.
Traditional Service will be held in the Sanctuary chapel at 8:30am
We continue to provide and are planning to offer Outdoor Worship Live Sunday services at 10:00am to comply with current health protocols.
Contemporary Services will be held in the Worship Center / Gym at a later date as we continue to monitor our services and assess State and County guidelines.
How will services be different?
Service will be shorter (approximately 45-60 minutes in length) due to current State and County recommendations to hold shorter services
Holy Communion will be served at the end of the service on first & third Sundays.
Offering plates will not be passed and collected during the service. We encourage you to give using our online platforms. Cash and check offerings will be able to be received in a donation location before, during, or after Worship.
We will not have childcare or Sunday School due to County recommendations that children remain with their families. Please know the Worship services will be shorter in duration.
Are we asking you to RSVP to attend?
Yes. In order to plan appropriately for seating, we are asking you to RSVP. Please RSVP at
Is this going to be our worship plan and schedule for the rest of the season?
Guidelines are changing frequently, so it’s impossible for us to plan too far ahead, yet we are exploring this as an option. Updates will be published as soon as possible.
Will online services continue for those who are unable to attend on-campus worship services?
We will continue to offer live-streaming of our 10:00 am Outdoor Worship service. We do not have the capability to live stream our Traditional service at this time. Visit for more information.
Are we requiring on-campus worshipers to wear masks and observe physical distancing?
We are following the current O.C. Health order, which states individuals "should wear a face-covering outside their home when they are not able to maintain at least 6 feet of physical distance from another person who is not a family/household member or does not reside in the same living unit.” We therefore ask that you wear a mask while moving around at Salem and, if possible, while you are in worship. We encourage you to take every reasonable step we can to protect one another, our church family, and our community.
Salem is following the current Orange County Health guidelines.
What will the 8:30am Traditional Service look like?
Doors will be propped open to minimize touching of door handles and increase airflow.
Attendees are encouraged to wear masks, especially while entering and exiting.
We will not have printed bulletins. All liturgy and texts will be shown on the screen.
What will the service at 10:00am look like?
Worshipers are encouraged to spread out on the field to ensure appropriate physical distancing.
You are welcome to bring your own lawn chairs or blankets for seating and an umbrella for shade if desired.
Lunch tables are available for seating as well. We encourage you to maintain a 6-foot distance from those from other households.
You are also welcome to enjoy worship from your vehicle. We recommend you arrive a little early to find a location that best suits you.
What will the 10:00am Contemporary Services look like on Sunday, May 31st when we move back indoors?
Doors will be propped open to minimize touching of door handles and increase airflow.
Attendees are encouraged to wear masks, especially while entering and exiting.
We will not have bulletins. Lyrics will be shown on the screen as usual.
Bibles, children’s bulletins, pens, and crayons will not be available.
What are we doing to distribute communion safely?
Communion servers will be wearing masks and gloves.
Upon arrival, attendees will be presented with sealed pre-packaged Fellowship Cups, which contain both juice and a separated wafer. The wafer is under the top plastic seal and the fruit of the vine is under the foil seal.
At the end of the service, the Pastor will bless the elements and instruct you to open your packages as we receive communion together.
Will bathrooms be available for use during the service?
Yes. The bathrooms along the school lockers hallway will be available. Please adhere to the signs posted.
Who should NOT attend on-campus worship services?
If you are not feeling well or not comfortable with the outdoor service, please worship with us via our online service platforms.
Per CDC guidelines, anyone who has a fever of 100.4 or higher or experiences any symptoms related to Covid-19 should NOT attend. Click here for the list of symptoms.